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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Transload Downloading Websites

If you ask Google "what is transloading'? This definition will come up is..

"Transloading is the process of transferring a shipment from one mode of transportation to another. It is most commonly employed when one mode cannot be used for the entire trip, such as when goods must be shipped internationally from one inland point to another."

But what's that got to do with download filehosts? Well the principle is the same, taking your requested download (the shipment) and transfering into a different filehost, this enables you to download without any restrictions and the download speed is generally much quicker!

I've seen many blogs and transload sites on the internet, many have adverts and once you click through the adverts they still don't work. Therefore I'm addressing this issue and righting that wrong.

Transload site 8

Happy Downloading!