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Saturday, 10 November 2018

Disable eir_WiFi SSID Wireless Network WTF

Do you have one of the new Eir cable modem/routers? If so you will have a 2.4GHz wireless signal AND a 5GHz wireless signal being transmitted out of your new router. Are you aware that in addition to your own two wireless SSID's there is also a third SSID being transmitted?

A third freely available wireless transmission 'eir_WiFi' which Eir's customers can connect to?  Here's a snippet from their website;

"As an eir customer you can connect safely and securely to over 100,000 WiFi hotspots nationwide with eir WiFi. No more having to ask for passwords as you will automatically connect to the WiFi of other eir broadband customers. Plus, with eir WiFi you can surf to your heart's content on your mobile without eating into your mobile data!"

You can read more about that here. Shocking isn't it! People can pull up outside your house and steal your bandwidth downloading anything they like! 

Here's how to disable that feature that by default is enabled.

  1. Log into your Eir account via your browser - https://my.eir.ie/profile
  2. At the top right is the option 'More' with a downward arrow, once clicked that will expand seven more options. One of these options is 'eir WiFi'.
  3. Flick the slider in the 'eir WiFi Host' section to disable this feature.
  4. Confirm your choice (Like you'd leave it enable?!)
  5. Wait an hour and reboot your modem/router.

Here's four screenshots to assist you..


  1. Doesn't work for me. It still shows up as available.

    1. Give them a call (1901) this was three years ago when I wrote this, I'm sure they'll be able to assist you. Thanks for your comment

  2. Well year later and still not got this sorted. And eir was as useful as a brick wall.

  3. Wow.. that's pretty bad service from Eir. Maybe you might want to try an aftermarket router? Just be sure to test it first to ensure it works correctly (for example I needed a router that would accept a specific VLAN tag in order for my connection to work)
