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Tuesday, 19 March 2019

The new SFC /ScanNow command

O.K, so this will probably be one of my briefest posts..

Windows XP and upwards used to have a good 'ole' command to scan and fix any corrupted files. By opening an elevated command prompt and typing 'SFC /ScanNow' it would find and check all of your system files for any corrupted ones.

Well as I've recently found out, the command is now depreciated and considered 'legacy'. Instread it has now been replaced by this:

dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
This is pretty much a verification to see if it can find any issues..

dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
This is the fix it command

I've found these very useful so thought I'd bookmark it here for myself and anybody else that appreciates it. Thanks for reading.

EDIT :  I have just discovered that, when restoring, you need to tell the Dism command where you will be restoring from. For example if your Windows disc is in your DVD drive you could tell it:

dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /Source:D:\sources\install.wim:1 /LimitAccess

I didn't do it that way myself, my Windows disc didn't have a .wim file, instead it had a .esd file but it works just the same. If you wanted to you could even convert the .esd file into a .wim file but if you don't need to then why bother!

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